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Hi, friend! Can I let you in on a little secret? I'm 47(!), and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

And you know what? It's fine.

This blog is for those of us who don't conform to "middle aged demographics". 

Whether it's never giving up your Dr. Martens and blue or purple hair and darker attire, deciding to have kids later in life or not at all, we're aging and doing so, imperfectly.

If there was one word to describe you, what do you think would it be? For myself at this very moment, I'd use the word unconventional. Am I old enough to be considered "eccentric" just yet?

I'd also use the words curious, misunderstood, ambitious, and offbeat.

Perhaps you're like me. Or if not, I can guarantee that we have one thing in common: we're tired of being treated as if we have one foot in the grave! Right?

We're redefining what it means to be older than 35 in this youth-obsessed society.

We're showing the world what it's like to show up and be yourself, flaws, wrinkles, experiences and all. We possess a vast body of knowledge, most of us having changed careers many times. See above about that growing up thing.

Maybe you still don't know what you want to be when we grow up. I'm here to tell you that it's going to be ok, but isn't it frustrating to have come this far and learned a lot of hard lessons along the way?

The reality that 1980 was 40 years ago still astounds me. I remember what I was doing then but perhaps not consecutively. What were YOU doing in 1980?

Since you're here right now, something tells me that you're a little weary of this growing older thing. Are you finding it hard to make new friends as a so-called adult? Me too!

Maybe it's because you're not ready to take any more sh*t from the people that are already in your life. Maybe some people are on the way out. Maybe you're doing your best to "detach with love".

Around here, I have a few beliefs....

  • I believe that you're ready for a big change, but that you're not entirely sure how it's all going to work out.
  • I believe that you're fed up with (thinly veiled or not) age discrimination, especially on the job, gig, and employment fronts.
  • I believe that you deserve happiness, love, and respect. It took a long time for me to realize that myself, and I've made so many mistakes along the way
  • I believe that you're ready to take your life to the next level, and that you appreciate the time you've had so far but that something's missing.

Join me on this journey as we're all in it together, especially with the pandemic. I hope you're safe and healthy during these trying times.

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aging imperfectly. Theme by Me